Risk Minimization Strategy for Apple Dodol Supply Chain with Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach (Case Study in SMESBROSEM, Batu City, East Java)


  • Siti Asmaul Mustaniroh Departement of Agroindustrial Technology
  • Mey Wulandari Alumnae Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java
  • Imam Santoso Alumnae Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java


apple dodol, strategy, supply chain


One of the producers of apple dodol in Batu is SMESBrosem, which applies a supply chain system consisting of the supplier, producer, and retailer. This application carries potential risks, such as apple supply delay, production delay, and competitors. Therefore, there is a need for alternative strategies in order to reduce these risks. This study aims to organize a strategy that can be applied in SMESBrosem using Analytical Hierarchy Approach (AHP). The proposed strategies that potentially reduce the risks include making a production plan, conducting a workshop for employees, improving information access and collaboration.

Keywords: Apple dodol, Strategy, Supply Chain

Author Biography

Siti Asmaul Mustaniroh, Departement of Agroindustrial Technology

Management of Agroindustry


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